MEDINA: Saudi Gazette has reported that a Sudanese female pilgrim Fatima Al-Mahi regained her eyesight inside Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi in Madinah. When the people encircled her she expressed them with cries of happiness that she has unexpectedly recovered her eyesight which had vanished more than seven years before.
Fatima Al-Mahi, a Sudanese woman and her age is above 60 years. According the Gazette she added that various operations had all unsuccessful in serving her recover her vision. She did not tell how she turned out to be blind but was tremendously grateful to Allah for enabling her see again.
She was further reported to have said that she made truthful prayers inside the Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi requesting Allah to bring back her eyesight. In an incredible instant of sense she started to perceive light. She further said that she curved left and right and could perceive the Masjid very evidently.
Fatima believed she saw her appearance after the period of more than seven years. She likewise examined her son who began tears with happiness. She believed though she survived in widespread blackness, she at no time misplaced expectation that Allah would offer her vision back. She expressed that she had never halted pleading to Allah to provide her vision back.


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